ccSensors can collect information from machines and blocks from around the Tekkit world. Those readings can be viewed on the Sensor terminal or referenced in ComputerCraft Lua programs.
Getting Started[]
- Place a Sensor Controller next to a Computer
- Shift-right click to open the sensor Controller GUI and hit the 'New' button to register a new frequency
- Place blank transmitter card in the matching bottom-left slot and click 'Encode' to get an encoded transmitter to be used with that particular remote sensor.
- Place a Sensor (can be placed anywhere), right-click on it, and put the transmitter card in the bottom-left slot. The Sensor will now send data to the Controller that encoded the Transmitter Card. You can rename the Sensor from the default name 'Sensor', as well.
- Place a SensorModule Card into the other bottom-left slot of the Sensor GUI.
- Open the computer terminal and run:
to run the sample console program. - Use the arrow and <enter> keys to select a Sensor, Probe, and Target, then choose "getreading" to get the results. You can use this program to monitor everything from IC2 reactor heats to how much EMC is in your Antimatter Relays.
API: sensors[]
Note: Documentation is taken from source code. Information is provided "as-is" with no guarantee of accuracy.
Method name | Description |
getVersion() | sensorAPI version |
getPeripherals() | returns a dict of attached peripherals : SensorController,monitor,modem |
getController() | return the side the first controller is attached at |
rIterator( table ) | Intended for internal use only. |
tabtodict( table ) | Intended for internal use only. |
getReadingAsTable( side, sensor, ... ) | return sensor reading as a table instead of a dict |
setTarget( side, sensor, target ) | set the active target for a given sensor |
setSensorRange( side, sensor, range ) | set the sensor range (as long is <= max_sensor_range) |
getAvailableReadings( side, sensor ) | returns names of all readings available for a given sensor |
setActiveReading( side, sensor, reading ) | set the active reading to be used when getReading is called |
getAvailableTargets( side, sensor ) | returns the available targets for a given sensor |
getAvailableTargetsforProbe( side, sensor, probe ) | returns a list of all "Eligible" Targets for that Probe, E.G: using the Probe EUStorage, it will only Return EU Storage Devices and Not Reactors. |
getAvailableTargetsforProbe2( side, sensor, probe ) | Same as getAvailableTargetsforProbe() Except as a Table. |
getProbes( side, sensor ) | returns a table of the available probes (eg: TargetInfo, LivingEntities, Players) |
getSensorInfo( side, sensor, ... ) | returns the following information for a given sensor:
cardType, ActiveReadingID, Distance, Name, ActiveReading, ShortName, SensorRange, yCoord, zCoord, xCoord |
getSensorInfoAsTable( side, sensor, ... ) | same as getSensorInfo, except as a table |
getReading( side, sensor, ... ) | returns sensor reading in a dict of reading,value pairs |
getReading2( side, sensor, probe, target, ... ) | returns sensor reading in a dict of reading,value pairs |
getSensors( side ) | returns the names of all connected sensors |
getSensorReadingAsDict(side,sensor,target,probe,...) | get a reading while setting the target and reading type for a given sensor. returns a dictionary [working] |
getSensorReadingAsDict2(side, sensor, probe, target, ...) | Alias for getReading2 |
getSensorReadingAsTable( side, sensor, target, reading, ...) | get a reading while setting the target and reading type for a given sensor |
getItemInfo(name,content) | return item info from an inventory dictionary |
getItemsInfo(names,content) | returns a dict for each item in the given names table with .dmg and .qty |
Youtube Tutorials[]
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